Principal Bass

SNS_RGB_TRANSPARENTSymphony Nova Scotia (Holly Mathieson, Music Director) announces the following vacancy:


(Tenure-track position)

National auditions will be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia Wednesday, April 23, 2025.

This audition is open only to Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents.

Salary & Benefits

  • Starting Date: January 4, 2026
  • 2025/26 Weekly Salary: $1,487.40
  • 2025/26 Season Length: 34 weeks, including 2 weeks paid vacation
  • Benefits: 7% Musicians’ Pension Fund contribution, Canada Pension Plan, Employment Insurance, cost-shared Group Health Insurance Plan, paid sick leave.

An offer of employment to the audition winner is contingent on the successful completion of a two-week trial. The Symphony Nova Scotia Audition Committee reserves the right to dismiss at any time any candidate not meeting the highest professional standards at this audition. Symphony Nova Scotia musicians are members of the Atlantic Federation of Musicians, Local 571 CFM.

How to apply

Applications will not be accepted by telephone. Highly qualified applicants should email a one-page resume including current mailing address, email address, and telephone number to Anne Simons, Orchestra Personnel Manager: [email protected].

Application deadline: Wednesday, April 9, 2025