The Pjila’si Sessions: Toqnasimk: Carrying the Burden Together with KINUK


KINUK, Angella Parsons & Ursula Johnson
Holly Mathieson, conductor
Symphony Nova Scotia

On the Program:
Toqnasimk: Carrying the Burden Together

As KINUK, artists Ursula Johnson and Angella Parsons describe Toqnasimk: Carrying the Burden Together as a public invitation for us all to join them in an open, honest dialogue about what it means to share this land as the Treaty People of Mi’kma’ki.

“We are not here to tell anyone what is the right or wrong approach when it comes to conversations about Reconciliation. For information on individual and institutional responsibilities we defer to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 Calls To Action. The goal of KINUK is simple: we strive to facilitate a space where folks might be able to contemplate their individual place(s) in relation to one another. We hope Toqnasimk: Carrying the Burden Together will serve to inspire and encourage thoughtful reflection and ACTION around our individual and collective responsibilities as Treaty people living on Unceded Mi’kmaw Territory.”

Sponsored by the Canada Council for the Arts, the Government of Canada, and the Province of Nova Scotia.