Fergus Stewart
Fergus Stewart, a Grade 11 French Immersion student, lives in Kentville. Fergus began his violin journey at age five, studying with Dominic Woo, Concertmaster of the Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra. By age eight, he had joined the Vancouver Youth Symphony Orchestra, where he performed for four consecutive seasons.
After moving to Nova Scotia, Fergus became a dedicated member of the Nova Scotia Youth Orchestra and continued his violin studies with Jennifer Jones, Assistant Concertmaster of Symphony Nova Scotia.
Fergus has performed in numerous venues, including concerts with the Acadia String Orchestra and at high school coffee houses, Christmas concerts, daycares, nursing homes, family gatherings, and weddings. Fergus is also the winner of First Place in the Violin Solo – Grade Ten category at the Nova Scotia Kiwanis Music Festival.
Beyond music, Fergus is passionate about aviation, travel, and hockey. He also plays floorball in various local leagues. An avid outdoors enthusiast, Fergus loves hiking, biking, and immersing himself in the beauty of nature.
Fergus is excited to embark on the 2024/25 season and is eager to embrace new challenges and experiences.