Symphony 101 FAQs
- Why do the musicians play a few notes before the conductor comes on?
- What’s the difference between the terms “symphony” and “orchestra”?
- When do I clap?
- Why do the musicians wear such formal clothes?
- Why does the conductor walk on and off stage at the end of a concert?
- Why are pieces divided into movements?
- What are the roles of the Conductor, Concertmaster, and Principals?
- What is the role of the soloist?
- What’s the difference between first violins and second violins?
- Why are the two basses different?
- Why do the string players use different bows for baroque concerts?
- What is the process of bow making?
- How do musicians know how fast to play a piece? And why are the terms in Italian?
- How does the arranging process work?
- How is the composition of a symphony orchestra decided upon?
- Why do the French hornists keep turning their horns upside down?
- Why are the cellos sitting on pieces of wood on the stage?
- Why do some of the musicians’ chairs have wood on the bottom?
- Have we ever considered using iPads for the musicians instead of printed music?
- What’s “new” symphonic music, and how is it different than “regular” symphonic music?
- Learn about Tim Brady’s new CD, The How and Why of Memory
- How large is your library?
- Fun facts about The Nutcracker’s Spirit of Winter puppet
- What was it like to play with Chris Hadfield?
- What’s it like to perform in the orchestra pit during The Nutcracker?
- How important is the bow to the sound of a stringed instrument?
- Where do musicians go when they retire from Symphony Nova Scotia?
- What’s the deal with Richard Wagner?
- What’s the weirdest place you can think of to hear classical music?
- What’s up with all the Beethoven in 2020?
- Do batons “choose the wizard”?
- What advice on technique would you have for a beginner conductor?
- Why do certain members of the orchestra sometimes stand after the performance?
- Why do the musicians sometimes shuffle their feet onstage?
- Maestro, Maestra, or Holly?
- What can you tell us about your cello? Why is it a different colour from other cellos?
- What kind of non-classical music do you listen to?