Sandra Chappell
Many of you will recognize Sandra as “the flower lady” – the bouquet presenter who offers floral tributes to our guest artists at Masterworks and Baroque concerts. She also worked in the Symphony office in a number of staff capacities from 2004 to 2011, and continues to give back as a valued volunteer at our Education and Outreach events. This past season, Sandra became a member of the Symphony Nova Scotia Legacy Circle.
Prior to the Symphony, Sandra worked extensively in the advertising industry in Montreal and Halifax. As a production manager and traffic manager, she relished the creative energy and fast-paced environments, and particularly enjoyed working with writers and graphic artists over the years.
In 2004, Sandra came on board with Symphony Nova Scotia as the Administration Office Manager. It was a job that “entailed doing a little bit of everything,” she says, and her favourite part was the contact with guest artists to arrange their travel and accommodations. Sandra says that she couldn’t think of a better way to cap off her career, as music has always been her personal passion.
Symphony concerts continue to be special events for Sandra. “When I present flowers to the artists, they are so appreciative,” she says. “I feel like I am saying thank you on behalf of the whole audience. A standing ovation is especially thrilling!”
Sandra shared her thoughts on Legacy Giving and her personal commitment:
“I can’t imagine future generations without Mozart! We must ensure that tomorrow’s children have the same opportunity to enjoy and treasure the musical masterpieces that have endured the test of time. And, we must invest in tomorrow’s communities by instilling a sense of pride in our cultural and historical heritage. Our Symphony orchestra plays an integral part in this.”
“From the very first time I made a will, there was never any question. It was natural and a foregone conclusion that I would want to support an organization that has given me so much joy. I like to think that I might contribute to someone else’s musical experience by helping to keep the music playing!”
– Sandra Chappell